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k o l a b o y
the artwork of danny malboeuf.
A group of paintings inspired by a piano suite composed by the Czech composer Leos Jancek. The titles of the individual pieces are:
1. Naše večery – Our Evenings
2. Lístek odvanutý – A Blown-Away leaf
3. Pojďte s námi! – Come With Us!
4. Frýdecká panna Maria – The Madonna of Frydek
5. Štěbetaly jak laštovičky – They Chattered Like Swallows
6. Nelze domluvit! – Words Fail!
7. Dobrou noc! – Good Night!
8. Tak neskonale úzko – Unutterable Anguish
9. pláči – In Tears
10. Sýček neodletěl! – The Barn Owl Has Not Flown Away!
The suite can be heard here.

Our Evenings

Leaf Blown Away

Come With Us

Virgin Mary of Frydek

Twittering Swallows

Words Fail!

Good Night!

Unutterable Anguish

In Tears

The Barn Owl Has Not Flown Away!
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